Delve into my imagination


Widow Blog Tour Hosts & Dates

Widow Blog Tour Banner 

Widow, Blended #2, Blog Tour Stops and Dates. Please visit for excerpts, teasers, and reviews.


July 11th:

Wicked Reads


July 12th:

Breaking that Kindle Budget Book Blog

Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents

Word Wenches Guilty Pleasure


July 13th:

Sexy Bibliophiles


July  14th:

This Mommy Loves to Read


July 15th: 

Life, Books, and More Books Blog


July 16th: 

Come to the Darkside. We Have books

In the Pages of a Good Book


July 17th

Desert Divas Book Addiction 


July 18th

Amazeballs Book Addicts

Author Sandra Love


July 19th 

Wendy Dawn’s Wicked World



July 20th

Undercover Book Reviews

Abibliophobia Anonymous Books Reviews

~Thank You for hosting Widow’s Blog Tour~


!!A HUGE THANK YOU to ANGELA & Wicked Reads for organizing the tour!!

Blended Series Sale: FREE/.99/2.99

In honor of the newly released sequel to Good Girl, Widow. For Widow’s Blog Tour & her BIRTHDAY, author Erica Chilson is offering all the books currently in release in the Blended Series at a heavily discounted Rate. Combined, ONLY $3.99 for 1,500 PAGES of angsty twistedness.

Begin your Blended Family epic saga with Good GirlFREE for a limited time only, July 10th-14th. Follow Willow Prynne as she grows into her own woman, all the while introducing you to the Blended Series’ cast of characters. Willow’s journey is a coming-of-age tale that dives deep into the darkest recesses of a young mind, while maintaining a feeling of growth and hope.

Erica Chilson is all about the balance. To lighten the darkness within Good Girl, Wildly Wedded Wife, the Blended Series first novella, spotlights Bethany & Rory. Only *99 pennies* Cute, sweet, romantic, and enlightening, Beth & Rory take the reader on a wild ride from Auggie’s hedonistic Playroom all the way to Las Vegas- wee… wee… wee…

Widow parallels events in Good Girl, while showing the reader a more mature and different side of the story. Clover Webster & Malcolm Mason are proof that second chances do in fact exist, even when the world is against you. Widow is an emotional journey through all aspects of life, leaving the reader with a sense of hope and redemption for the future. Grab a copy July 10th-17th for $2.99 and save off the regular price of $4.99.

Please visit author Erica Chilson’s Amazon page to buy your copy today at a heavily discounted rate.

Disclaimer: The Blended Series is for mature audiences only. 18+ Contemporary Romance with an erotic twist. Good Girl features bisexual themes and sexual content that some may find disturbing. Drug Use is prevalent, without being Pro-Drug or Anti-Drug. Recreational Drug users and abusers are in our everyday life, and the Blended Series is nothing if not reality. Wildly Wedded Wife contains sexually explicit content, with a scene featuring a wicked male/male sex toll into the Playroom. Widow features sensual erotic themes, guaranteed to leave you jonesing for a sensual massage.

NOTICE: If you already own a copy of Good Girl, and the title page does not list the Revamped edition as February 2014, then you must update your copy before continuing on with the series. The author made major changes to the foundation of the Blended Series. You do NOT have to re-purchase. Please visit *Updated Editions* for details.

Impatient for more from the Blended Series? You don’t have long to wait. Coming late July, Wanton (Blended #2.5), Opal Fischer & Ginny Jamison’s tale, diving deeper into the cast of characters than your average novella. Coming late September, Warped (Blended #3). In Warped, delve into the mind of Devon & Kieren Mason, & Willow & Essie Prynne.

With much appreciation, could you please spread the word of The Blended Series S*A*L*E. Word-of-mouth is an indie author’s bread&butter. For less than the price of a Frappe, you can spend days, if not more than a week, reading 1,500 pages of angsty twistedness. Show your thanks to the author by sharing the sale and leaving an honest review on Amazon & Goodreads.


The wicked Writer sings,“Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday, dear Erica. Happy Birthday to me!” *passes out FREE Kindle copies of Good Girl to her readers as birthday presents*

Wicked Writer’s Betas: Beta Reader Drive


Erica Chilson is doing a Beta Reader Drive, looking for enthusiastic readers willing to beta read. The Beta Reader Drive will run until mid-August-through-early September.

Signup form for Erica Chilson’s beta readers. Please fill out the form below with the necessary information, and await a response from the author. (Beta drive runs through mid-August/early September, in preparation for the M&M Series rewrite & Warped (Blended #3)

Applicant is NOT required to be a reader of Erica Chilson’s previously published works. The author is re-editing all of her works before republishing in ebook form and in print.

Erica Chilson writes in several genres, meaning she needs a variety of beta readers willing to read specific types of stories. The author is looking for a group of betas, who she will choose between depending on the type of book to be beta read, as well as the content within the story. Also, betas have lives, and Erica doesn’t wish to tax her betas on a continual basis, attributing to her need to have a revolving team of beta readers.

***You do *NOT* have to be a proofreading genius or editor to apply***
Erica Chilson stresses that beta reading is about the R-E-A-D-I-N-G. She is looking for readers of all types to spot different things. We all read a book differently than our fellow readers. She is specifically looking for anything that is jarring, tearing the reader from the story. If your strong-suit is proofreading, GREAT. If not, GREAT TOO! Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

Erica Chilson is **NOT** looking for an editor. Please be respectful by NOT editing the author’s work. Pointing out errors in grammar, punctuation, run-ons, awkward sentence structure, redundancy, discrepancies in timeline, and character trait lobotomies is what beta reading is about.The author is NOT looking for word-by-word, line-by-line sentence restructuring and editing, since Beta Readers are not professional editors. This leads to the ‘voice’ of the story no longer sounding as the characters and the author herself.


Erica Chilson thanks you for your time and your interest in becoming a member of the Wicked Writer’s Betas.

**Click here to fill out form & submit**


I knew from day-one that my titles would be pirated eventually, and they have been since early on. I was passive about piracy, knowing it impacted my sales yet hoping it would draw in true readers. I likened the piracy to a twisted library of sorts. I purposefully left off the DRM from the first few titles in my series, and then put a DRM on the later titles. My stance, “Here, have a copy. I hope you get hooked, and then pay for the rest.” 

With that saying, I know from reviews on whether or not it’s a pirated copy. As I said, I was pirated from early on with Restraint, and that Restraint no longer exists. I don’t  even have a copy. Yet two years and some change later, readers are still reading, judging, and reviewing me based on the edition of a book that sold fewer than an hundred copies… so what are the odds you purchased the ‘extinct‘ Restraint  and it took you 30 months to review it? I’m no statistician, but I’d say the odds are next to none, considering the tens of thousands it’s sold in its current form.

My warning to pirates: You may not be reading the book in its actual form, and when you review it as such, you are caught. But not only that, you are missing out on what the book evolved into, ruining and confusing you when you read the subsequent books in the series. & that is a pity and a shame for the reader, the author, and most importantly, for the purity of the story itself.

Why am I writing this blog posting? Several times over I’ve been contacted about my books not only being pirated, BUT SOLD. Yes, SOLD by PIRATES.

If you want to read my book for free, then by all means, get it from a piracy site. I’m not being facetious. I’d rather you get it for free than pay your hard-earned money to my pirate. But if you pay that fuckerfucking pirate, damn you to HELL!


If you want my book for free, fucking contact me and I will send one to your Kindle. But to pay the pirate for OUR HARD WORK, MAKES YOU AN EVEN BIGGER ASSHOLE! 

I work no less than 12 hours a day to earn 30 cents on the buck, to where I then pay the government a third of that. As an indie author, I then make 20 cents on every dollar I sell, but out of that I have to pay for business expenses: laptops, software, cover images, cover artists, (I’d pay an editor, IF I COULD AFFORD IT). WHO THE FUCK COULD LIVE OFF THAT? & I LITERALLY WRITE ENDLESSLY, AS YOU ALL KNOW, JUDGING BY THE 1,500+ PAGES I’VE PUBLISHED IN THE FIRST HALF OF 2014

To have my work not only stolen but resold… you have no idea how disheartening of a sensation this is, or how much fury is coursing in my veins. BECAUSE I’M FOLLOWING THE FUCKING RULES, THE LAW, PAYING TAXES ON MY WORK, AND THEY ARE NOT!

FYI: Plead ignorance all ya want, but if you are ‘purchasing’ from a dealer no one has ever heard of, you know what’s up. If you are a reader, you know who the major retailers are, or you buy straight from the publisher. If it looks hinky, it is.

FYI: NEVER HAVE I EVER published a PDF of my work. If the copy you are reading is a PDF, it wasn’t from me!

FYI: I lowered the price on Restraint to 99 cents for this exact reason. Now I’m under-bidding my pirate selling asshole friends who are bilking the ignorant and the criminal out of $1.50 a copy.

FYI: I’ve given tens of thousands of copies of Restraint and Good Girl away for free, and will continue to do so along with my ‘honest’ pirate friends. If you’re the honest sort, you’ll be out 99 cents for 700 HUNDRED PAGES of my hard work. You can either get it for free during Amazon promos or from a pirate, pay ME FOR MY HARD WORK, OR pay some asshole pirate who is laughing at you all the way to the bank.


Now if this just doesn’t make a person want to say the hell with it all, and cut their losses, I don’t know what does! It’s a spit in the face. I feel like I’m in an uphill battle against an unmovable army. I’m selling more books than ever and only getting paid half of that because I’m literally giving my books away for Free.

I want to know your reaction when you go into work tomorrow morning and your boss tells you how you have to work the next six months of your life, an upwards of eighteen hours a day, and NOT get PAID! You could live on that, right? You could deal with that, right? How about then your boss takes your earnings and gives it to some asshole criminal- all of it. And then your boss makes YOU pay the taxable income on what that asshole stole. Yeah, chew that over.


-peace out!


Wildly Wedded Wife (Blended #1.5) LIVE on Amazon for 99 pennies

Wildly Wedded Wife Wildly Wedded Wife (Blended #1.5)

Bethany Oman: Another six months and my thesis will be finished, and then I can stop this suffocating charade. My dream is to become a therapist specializing in sexual dysfunction. What better way to write my thesis than in a Playroom filled with sexual deviants? Only problem, I had to become a deviant in order to gain entrance to the Playroom… and then I had to explain my motivations to Augustus Kline, who offered me protection for a very steep toll.

My other dream is standing before me, smirking with anticipation. My original, lifelong-dream, who could easily destroy any hope of my becoming a therapist if I’m not careful.

And Rory Essex makes me feel anything but careful.

Willing to do anything it takes to gain the woman he loves, Rory makes a deal with Beth, which forces him to bargain with the Devil Himself.

Accepting Augustus Kline’s toll into the Playroom, Rory gains the key to making Bethany his Wildly Wedded Wife.

Wildly Wedded Wife is Book #1.5 in the Blended Series. Contemporary Romance with erotic themes. 18+. Warning: content may be too steamy for those with delicate sensibilities. WWW is approximately 35,000 words.

Click the image to be rerouted to Amazon US to purchase for only 99 pennies.

Widow: Live on Amazon

Widow Cover


Widow (Blended #2), the long awaited sequel to Good Girl is now available for purchase on Amazon. Please click the image to be rerouted to Widow’s sales page.

Trying to overcome insurmountable odds: lifelong secrets plaguing both families, the failed, bitter romance between their eldest born, the ghosts of their deceased spouses, and the addiction that taints everything it touches. Will Malcolm Mason and Clover Webster be able to forge an unbreakable bond in order to traverse this landmine of a blended family?

Widow is book #2 in the Blended Series, the sequel to Good Girl. Not suitable for younger readers: 18 +. Contemporary romance involving sensual, erotic themes. Prepare for a roller coaster ride of emotions: devastating loss, the mourning of death, the renewal of hope, the awakening of love, the unexpected humor of watching one’s loved ones fall down, get back up, and dust themselves off. Blended is the chaotic calamity of everyday life.

Title: Widow
Series: Blended
Book in series: #2
# of pages: 617
Price: $4.99

WIDOW: read an ARC for FREE

arcCurious to see what happened after Good Girl ended, way before other readers get a chance? Are you a blogger or page/group administrator, or just a ravenous fan? Here is your chance to not only read Widow early & for free, but obtain a copy of Good Girl too.

Wicked Reads is organizing a Blog Tour for Widow July 7th- July 20th. & is also providing 10 lucky readers with ARC copies of Widow too!

Bloggers & page/group administrators: *click here* for details
Fans: *click here* for details

I hope you will join us!
I’d also love to thank Angela over at Wicked Reads for organizing Widow’s promotions :-*

As always, feel free to email me:

WIDOW cover/blurb reveal signup

Exciting news! Angela over at Wicked Reads was kind enough to extend her time and energy on helping us promote Widow. The first step is with a Cover/Blurb reveal signup. If you run a blog/group/page, and would like to join us, please click the link below to fill out the form. Shortly, signup for the Widow Blog Tour will begin, with ARC copies of both Good Girl & Widow for your blog/group/page’s reviewing pleasure. Stay tuned! & thank you!

***Click HERE to signup**